Real Estate License Renewal
Renew your real estate license. Fingerprint background checks are
required if the background checks on record are 6 years old or older
for all renewals. If you are required to submit fingerprints, follow the
appropriate instructions on page 3.
Or mail this completed form and a check or money order for the
renewal fee (payable to the Department of Licensing) to:
Real Estate Licensing,
Department of Licensing
PO Box 3917
Seattle, WA 98124-3917
For questions or language help call: (360) 664-6500
Broker – $223 ($263 for late renewal)
Managing broker – $320 ($360 for late renewal)
Licenses are available for self-printing with an online account.
If you want us to print and mail your license add a $5 print fee for each copy to your payment.
$0 self-print license online.
$5 each. DOL print and mail license. Quantity Total $ 
TYPE or PRINT Name as you would like it to appear on your license Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Legal name (First, Middle, Last)
License number Email
Address (Street address, City, State, ZIP code)
10-digit daytime phone number
10-digit other phone number
Military? (check if applicable)
Current or former: Military member Military spouse or domestic partner
Legal background
Answer the questions below. If you answer “Yes,” attach a detailed explanation.
1. Within the last 5 years, in this state or any other jurisdiction, have you had any action
(ne, suspension, revocation, censure, surrender, etc.) taken against any professional
or occupational license, certication, or permit held by you? ......................... Yes No
2. Within the last 5 years, in this state or any other jurisdiction, have you defaulted, or been
convicted of, or entered a plea of no contest to a gross misdemeanor or felony crime?
(Don’t include trac convictions.).............................................. Yes No
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Real estate education
If you are renewing on an active status you do not need to provide education documentation at renewal. If
you meet the continuing education requirements described on page 2, sign and date below and return this
form with the appropriate fees. We will continue to conduct random audits which require proof of education
completion before you can be renewed.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct and
that I have taken the required hours of approved real estate education, including 3 hours of core curriculum
according to WAC 308-124A-785 and 308-124A-790. I will provide proof of education completion to the
Department of Licensing if requested to do so. I am aware that if I am unable to verify that the hours were
successfully completed, I may be subject to disciplinary action against my real estate broker license.
Date and place Applicant signature
Providing false information in this application may be cause for denial, suspension, or revocation of your
professional license in the State of Washington.
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When you have completed this form, print it out and sign here.
Fingerprinting and background checks
All licensees are required to submit ngerprint-based background checks every 6 years in order to renew and/
or to join a rm. You will receive a ngerprint reminder email separate from your emailed Real Estate Renewal
Reminder. If you did not receive a renewal notice in your email, please log in to update your email.
To get your ngerprints taken:
Inside Washington: Go to to schedule an appointment through MorphoTrust, our
electronic ngerprinting vendor. You will pay IdentoGO for taking your ngerprints and for the background
checks required for your license type.
Outside Washington: Go tongerprinting.html for
ngerprint card submission instructions.
For more details go tongerprinting.html. It takes 14 business days for results
to be received and entered. No notication is sent when results are entered.
When you renew, your signature on this renewal form certies you have completed all the required continuing
education for your license renewal type:
Active renewals
Real estate brokers
First active renewal (WAC 308-124A-785)
At least 90 hours continuing education including:
30-hour Advanced Practices Course
30-hour Real Estate Law Course
3-hour Core Course
At least 27 hours other approved continuing education
The hours must be started after the date of rst licensure.
Real estate brokers
Subsequent active renewals (WAC 308-124A-790)
At least 30 hours continuing education including:
3-hour Core Course
At least 27 hours other approved continuing education
At least 15 hours must be completed within 24 months of your renewal date.
You may also use up to 15 hours of unused continuing education completed within 48 months of your
renewal date.
Managing brokers
All active renewals (WAC 308-124A-790)
At least 30 hours continuing education including:
3-hour Core Course
At least 27 hours other approved continuing education
At least 15 hours must be completed within 24 months of your renewal date.
You may also use up to 15 hours of unused continuing education completed within 48 months of your
renewal date.
The hours must be started after the date of rst licensure as a managing broker.
Inactive renewals
Brokers or managing brokers
No continuing education required to renew an inactive license.
To activate your license, you may have to meet the education requirements for an active license. Email
[email protected] to nd out if you need to complete education before applying to activate your license.
For a list of approved continuing education courses, see the Real Estate Education Course Catalog at
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