West Allegheny High School
Graduation Credit Requirements
A minimum of 26.25 total credits, as outlined on the following pages, are required to be earned in grades 9-12. It is the
student’s and parent’s responsibility to know the requirements for promotion and graduation and to make plans accordingly.
The credits listed below are minimum requirements, however, students are encouraged to take additional credits and/or
higher-level courses. All students are required to schedule and maintain a minimum of 7.00 credits each academic year.
Minimum Credit Requirements for Promotion for All Students
In order to be promoted each year, students must pass a minimum number of credits. Listed below is the minimum
total number of credits a student must have earned by the end of each grade to be promoted to the next grade level.
Opportunities for credit recovery will be available during the summer at a cost to the student.
These requirements are established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the West Allegheny School District.
Students and parents are reminded that ALL credits AND requirements must be satisfied upon the completion of a student’s
senior year to participate in commencement ceremonies. Throughout the following pages, courses may be denoted using
one or more of the symbols below.
Course weighted on a 4.5 GPA scale
Course weighted on a 5.0 GPA scale
Course eligible for college credit through the Community College of Allegheny County as part of the Early
College in High School Academy
Awaiting final approval from CCAC
Course eligible for industry-based credential
Course requirement for WASD-PTC Health Science Academy and counts toward graduation requirements
Course may count toward core course credit required for graduation see the graduation requirements
page for more information
Semester Course
Full-Time West Allegheny Students Course Requirements
Minimum Course Requirements
year Course Options
English 9 or Honors English 9*
English 10 or Honors English 10*
English 11, College Readiness English 11, or
AP English Lang & Comp**z+
College Readiness English 12, Career
Readiness English, AP English Lit &
Oral Communications **z (+ only)
Medical Terminology ** (+ only)
Algebra I
Geometry or Advanced Geometry
Algebra II with Lab or Algebra II or Honors
Early College Algebra II**z+
Trigonometry & Precalculus
Honors Trig & Precalculus*
Discrete Math
AP Statistics**
AP Calculus AB**
AP Calculus BC**
AP Computer Science Princ**z
AP Computer Science A**z
CHS Financial Accounting**
3D Game Development**z
Intro Data Analy w/Python**z
Data Analy w/ R & Python **z
Programming in C & C++**z
Biology w/Lab or Honors Biology w/Lab*
Conceptual Chemistry or Honors
Conc Physics or Physics or AP Physics 1**z
AP Biology**
AP Chemistry**
AP Physics 2**
Forensics Science
Anatomy & Physiology*
Digital Electronics**z
Environmental Sustainability**
Civil Engineer & Architecture**
Engineer Design & Develop**
Exercise Science
Ethical Hacking**z
Anat & Phys 1/Lab**(+ only)
Anat & Phys 2/Lab** (+ only)
Microbiology/Lab** (+ only)
Clinical Assisting 1** (+ only)
Clinical Assisting 2** (+ only)
A & P/Diseases/Proc 1** (+ only)
A & P/Diseases/Proc 2** (+ only)
Clinical Assisting 3** (+ only)
Kinesiology ** (+ only)
Clinic 1 ** (+ only)
Clinic 2 ** (+ only)
Social Studies
U.S. History or Honors U.S. History*
American Government or AP U.S.
Government & Politics**z
World Cultures or AP World History**
Criminal Justice & Invest**z
AP Psychology**z+
AP Economics**
Psychology & Sociology
Sociology of Sports (S)
Current Affairs (S)
AP U.S. History (WAVA)**
African Amer Studies (S)(WAVA)
Native Ameri Studies (S)(WAVA)
Women’s Studies (S)(WAVA)
Spanish III
Holocaust & Genocide Studies (S)
Hon Early Coll Spanish IV**z
AP Spanish Lang & Cul**
French III (WAVA)
French IV (WAVA)*
AP French Lang & Cul (WAVA) **
German III
Hon Early Coll German IV**zz
AP German Lang & Culture**
Game Prod & Marketing**z
Found of Nursing ** (+ only)
Prof Ethics & Int Com ** (+ only)
Phy Ed/Health
2.0 (.5 Health required)
Proficient or Advanced on the Keystone Exams in Literature, Algebra I, and Biology
Demonstration of proficiency through an alternate pathway
Completion of Civics Exam taken during American Government or AP US Government and Politics
Successful completion of the Career and Education Work Standards Portfolio including Career Seminar requirements
Successful completion of Industry Based Learning Experience
Total Required
Parkway West CTC Students Course Requirements
Any student who enrolls in a program offered at Parkway West CTC for a minimum of three years, including the senior
year, will be required to earn a minimum of three credits of mathematics, science, and social studies, as long as the student
meets the minimum required courses for each core academic area. A student who chooses not to re-enroll in a Parkway
West program he/she attended previously would default to requirements of a non-CTC student. This decision may result
in the need to take more than one course in the core areas in a year, limiting elective options. All students are required to
schedule and maintain a minimum of 7.00 credits each academic year.
Minimum Credits
Minimum Course Requirements for All Students
English 9 or Honors English 9*
English 10 or Honors English 10*
English 11, College Readiness English 11, or AP English Language &
College Readiness English 12, Career Readiness English, or AP English
Literature & Composition**z
Algebra I
Geometry or Advanced Geometry
Algebra II with Lab or Algebra II or Honors Early College Algebra II**z+
Biology with Lab or Honors Biology with Lab*
Conceptual Chemistry or Honors Chemistry*
Conceptual Physics or Physics or AP Physics 1**z
Social Studies
U.S. History or Honors U.S. History*
American Government or AP U.S. Government & Politics**z
World Cultures or AP World History**
Elective (at
Parkway CTC)
2.0 (.5 Health required)
State Assessment
Proficient or Advanced on the Keystone Exams in Literature, Algebra I, and Biology
Demonstration of proficiency through an alternate pathway
Career Readiness
Completion of Civics Exam taken during American Government or AP US Government and Politics
Successful completion of the Career and Education Work Standards Portfolio
including Career Seminar requirements
Successful completion of Industry Based Learning Experience
Standardized Assessment Timeline
Part of College and Career Readiness is having the ability to demonstrate mastery of skills and standards. The standardized
assessments available to students at West Allegheny High School further develop learning and validate the knowledge
gained throughout a student’s high school career.
Summary of Assessments
Algebra Keystone Exam
End of course Algebra 1 or Conceptual Algebra
Biology Keystone Exam
End of course Biology or Honors Biology
Literature Keystone Exam
End of course English 10 or Honors English 10
Civics Exam
Embedded in American Government & AP US Government
& Politics courses
PSAT 8/9
Mid-October of Freshmen Year
Mid-October of Sophomore Year
Mid-October of Junior Year
Junior and/or Senior Year
Junior and/or Senior Year
Mid-October of Junior and/or Senior Year
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
End of Course Early May
CCAC Mathematics Placement Test
Summer before taking corresponding course
CCAC Reading Placement Test
Summer before taking corresponding course
Certification Exams
Embedded in corresponding courses
PLTW Course Exams
End of Course May
*Required Only students electing to take the corresponding course for CCAC credit are required to complete the assessment(s).
State Mandated Assessments
Algebra Keystone Exam
End of course (Algebra 1 or Conceptual Algebra)
The Algebra Keystone Exam is an end-of-course state assessment designed to evaluate proficiency in Algebra. As part
of the graduation requirements, each student must demonstrate proficiency on the Algebra Keystone Exam, or fulfill
one of the other pathways provided, to earn a diploma from West Allegheny (see the State Assessment Graduation
Requirement Pathways on the following pages for more details). Each student is provided the opportunity to take the
Keystone Exams in May of the year they are taking a Keystone affiliated course. A student who previously completed a
Keystone-related course but did not take the Keystone Exam may also participate in testing for graduation purposes.
Additionally, any student who has taken a Keystone Exam and did not score Proficient may re-take the exam.
Biology Keystone Exam
End of course (Biology or Honors Biology)
The Biology Keystone Exam is an end-of-course state assessment designed to evaluate proficiency in Biology. As part
of the graduation requirements, each student must demonstrate proficiency on the Biology Keystone Exam, or fulfill
one of the other pathways provided, to earn a diploma from West Allegheny (see the State Assessment Graduation
Requirement Pathways on the following pages for more details). Each student is provided the opportunity to take the
Keystone Exams in May of the year they are taking a Keystone affiliated course. A student who previously completed a
Keystone-related course but did not take the Keystone Exam may also participate in testing for graduation purposes.
Additionally, any student who has taken a Keystone Exam and did not score Proficient may re-take the exam.
Literature Keystone Exam
End of course (English 10 or Honors English 10)
The Literature Keystone Exam is an end-of-course state assessment designed to evaluate proficiency in Literature. As
part of the graduation requirements, each student must demonstrate proficiency on the Literature Keystone Exam, or
fulfill one of the other pathways provided, to earn a diploma from West Allegheny (see the State Assessment
Graduation Requirement Pathways on the following pages for more details). Each student is provided the opportunity
to take the Keystone Exams in May of the year they are taking a Keystone affiliated course. A student who previously
completed a Keystone-related course but did not take the Keystone Exam may also participate in testing for
graduation purposes. Additionally, any student who has taken a Keystone Exam and did not score Proficient may re-
take the exam.
Civics Exam
Embedded in American Government & AP US
Government & Politics courses
The Civics Exam is an end-of-course assessment, required by the state, designed to evaluate a student’s civic
knowledge. As part of West Allegheny graduation requirements, every student must complete the Civics exam, which
is embedded within the American Government and AP US Government & Politics curriculum. Most students will
complete this exam during their sophomore year of high school. Any student that does not take American
Government or AP US Government & Politics while attending West Allegheny High School will be required to
complete the Civics Exam prior to being eligible to graduate.
National Assessments
PSAT 8/9
Mid-October of Freshmen Year
The Preliminary SAT (PSAT) 8/9 measures critical reading skills, math problem-solving skills, and writing skills through
three sections: Reading, Writing and Language, and Math. In mid-October, all students in ninth grade take the PSAT
8/9 as part of our Annual Career and College Assessment Day. By assessing the student’s current knowledge, the PSAT
8/9 serves as a gauge for college readiness. Early experience with this assessment allows each student to connect to
the free resource, Khan Academy, with access to individualized practice.
Mid-October of Sophomore Year
The Preliminary SAT (PSAT) measures critical reading skills, math problem-solving skills, and writing skills through
three sections: Reading, Writing and Language, and Math. In mid-October, all students in tenth grade take the PSAT as
part of our Annual Career and College Assessment Day. By assessing the student’s current knowledge, the PSAT serves
as a gauge for college readiness. Early experience with this assessment allows each student to connect to the free
resource, Khan Academy, with access to individualized practice.
Mid-October of Junior Year
The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is the same exam as the PSAT, but also
serves as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test for juniors in a nationwide competition for recognition,
awards, and scholarships. The PSAT/NSMQT is available to West Allegheny students in eleventh grade as part of our
Annual Career and College Assessment Day. Any student who chooses to take the PSAT/NMSQT must register and
assume the related costs. Registration links can be found on the College Admissions page of the WAHS website under
Junior and/or Senior Year
The SAT is an entrance exam used by many colleges and universities and includes three parts: Reading, Writing and
Language, and Math. The exam is scored on a scale from 400-1600. West Allegheny High School offers the SAT School
Day in October and March with registration handled through the office of the Assessment Coordinator. National test
dates are offered at West Allegheny in November and May. Registration for national test dates is available at
www.collegeboard.com. Any student who chooses to take the SAT is responsible for the related costs and must
register through the College Board (www.collegeboard.com).
Junior and/or Senior Year
The ACT is an entrance exam used by many colleges and universities. This test measures a student’s ability in English,
Mathematics, Reading, Science Reasoning, and Writing (optional) and is scored on a standard scale from 1 to 36. West
Allegheny High School offers the ACT School Day in October and March with registration handled through the office of
the Assessment Coordinator. Additional national test dates are also offered by ACT and can be found on their website
(www.act.org). It is recommended that any student interested in taking the ACT for admission purposes do so as a
junior or early in their senior year. Juniors are also encouraged to take the test. Any student who chooses to take the
ACT is responsible for the related costs and must register through ACT (www.act.org).
Mid-October of Junior and/or Senior Year
The “Student” ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) Test is an aptitude test that provides each student
with insight into potential career areas that align to the student’s strengths. This test provides each student with
feedback in four critical areas: Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, and Mathematics
Knowledge. The ASVAB is available to any junior or senior student who wishes to take it during our Annual Career and
College Assessment Day in mid-October. After scores are returned to each student, a representative from the Military
Entrance Processing Service (MEPS) will return to offer a guided analysis of the results. While this exam is
administered by the military, there is no service obligation, scores, or information will be shared with the military
unless requested by the student.
Course Specific Assessments
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
End of Course Early May
West Allegheny High School currently offers 21 Advanced Placement courses aligned to the College Board curriculum
(see full list in the Weighted Courses section). These courses are designed to provide students with a rigorous college
level course experience while still in high school. Students participating in AP courses are required to take the
corresponding AP exam in May (paid for by the district). All AP exams are scored on a scale of 1 5. Research shows
that students who have completed an AP course and receive at least a 2 on the exam have greater success in their
first year of studies after high school. Many colleges and universities accept AP exam scores of 3 or higher for college
credit and/or advanced placement into upper-level college courses.
CCAC Mathematics Placement Test
Summer before taking corresponding course
To be eligible to take Honors Early College Algebra II, AP Computer Science Principles, or AP Physics 1 for CCAC credit
through West Allegheny’s Early College in High School Academy (ECIHSA), a student must first earn a qualifying score
on the CCAC Mathematics Placement Test. It is highly recommended that each student completes this test prior to
the start of the school year. Qualifying scores and testing procedures are determined by CCAC.
CCAC Reading Placement Test
Summer before taking corresponding course
To be eligible to take AP English Language & Composition, Honors Early College Spanish IV, or Honors Early College
German IV for CCAC credit through West Allegheny’s Early College in High School Academy (ECIHSA), a student must
first earn a qualifying score on the CCAC Reading Placement Test. It is highly recommended that each student
completes this test prior to the start of the school year. Qualifying scores and testing procedures are determined by
Certification Exams
Embedded in corresponding courses
Any student that elects to take Manufacturing 1, Introduction to Cybersecurity, Principles of Security with Computer
Forensics, Networking with Intrusion Detection & Prevention, or Ethical Hacking for CCAC credit through West
Allegheny’s Early College in High School Academy (ECIHSA) is required to complete the corresponding certification
exams throughout the course of the school year. These exams, paid for by the district, provide the student with the
opportunity to gain Industry Credentials while earning college credit for the course. The testing dates for each
certification exam will be set by the instructor of each course.
PLTW End of Course Exams
End of Course May
West Allegheny High School offers five courses within the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Engineering program. These
courses provide each student with engaging interdisciplinary coursework designed to build knowledge and skills in
engineering while empowering the students to develop problem solving, critical and creative thinking,
communication, collaboration, and perseverance skills. Each student enrolled in Introduction to Engineering Design,
Principles of Engineering, Digital Electronics, Environmental Sustainability, Civil Engineering & Architecture, and
Engineering Design & Development is required to take the End of Course Exam developed by PLTW. The scores
earned on the exam may be sent by the student to an accepting institution for college credit. For more information
on this please make an appointment with a school counselor.
State Assessment Graduation Requirement Pathways
In accordance with PA Act 158, West Allegheny School District has aligned its graduation requirements to ensure the
future success of all of our students. All students will attempt the Algebra I, Biology, and Literature Keystone Exams
upon completion of the aligned course for each exam. In the event that a student is not successful (after receiving the
offered supplemental instruction) on a second attempt on an exam, students may meet the requirements through an
alternate pathway. Pathways to fulfill the state assessment graduation requirement are listed below.
I. Demonstrate proficiency on the Keystone Exam in Algebra I, Biology, and Literature
o Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the PA Department of Education enacted Act 136 on November 25,
2020 which authorizes students who successfully completed (with a passing grade of 60 or higher)
Algebra 1 (or Conceptual Algebra), Biology (or Honors Biology), and/or English 10 (or Honors English
10) during the 2019-2020 school year to be deemed ‘Non-numerical Proficient’ on the corresponding
Keystone Exam.
o A student earns a minimum score of proficient (1500) on each of the three (3) Keystone Exams
Algebra I, Biology, and Literature.
o A student earns a minimum composite score of 4452 as set by Pennsylvania Department of Education.
The composite score must be earned across the three (3) Keystone Exams, with at least one score of
proficient or advanced on any Keystone Exam and no less than basic earned on the other two Keystone
§ Students deemed ‘Non-numerical Proficient’ on the corresponding Keystone Exam as a result
Act 136 must elect to take each Keystone exam at least once to be eligible to meet proficiency
using a composite score.
II. Career Readiness Pathway (for students attending Parkway CTC)
o Successful completion of courses aligned to each of the three (3) Keystone Exams
Algebra I
Algebra I
Conceptual Algebra I
Honors Biology
Honors English 10
English 10
o One (1) of the following:
§ Earning an approved Industry Based Credential in his/her program
§ High likelihood of success on an approved industry-based competency assessment
(achievement on the pre-NOCTI exam) or readiness for continued meaningful engagement in
the aligned CTE area
III. Alternate Assessment Pathway
o Passing the courses aligned to each of the three (3) Keystone Exams and one of the following:
Algebra I
Algebra I
Conceptual Algebra I
Honors Biology
Honors English 10
English 10
o One of the following:
§ Meeting the published college readiness benchmark on the PSATs or SATs or ACTs or ASVABs;
§ Earning a two (2) or higher on the Advanced Placement Exam for a corresponding content area;
Algebra I
AP Calculus AB
AP Statistics
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science A
AP Biology
AP English Language and
§ Passing a concurrent/dual enrollment course through the Early College in High School Academy,
CCBC Aviation Academy, or PTC Health Science Academy in an academic area for a
corresponding content area
Algebra I
Honors Early College Algebra II
(CCAC credit)
Statistics (CCBC credit)
Intro to Data Analytics with Python
(CCAC credit)
Anatomy & Physiology 1
(PTC credit)
Medical Terminology
(PTC credit)
Microbiology (PTC credit)
AP English Language and
Composition (CCAC credit)
AP English Literature and
Composition (CCAC credit)
§ Successful completion of a pre-apprenticeship program;
§ Acceptance in an accredited 4-year nonprofit institution of higher education and evidence of the
ability to enroll in college-level coursework.
On an individual basis, other alternatives may be considered with administrative approval.
Career Readiness Graduation Requirement
I. Successful completion of the Career Education and Work Standards Portfolio
As a measure of Future Ready PA reporting, Pennsylvania schools are accountable for ensuring every student meets Career
Education and Work (CEW) Academic Standards as established in PA Code Chapter 4. In alignment with our goal of ensuring
career and college readiness for every student, West Allegheny continues to provide our students with experiences in
Career Awareness and Preparation (13.1), Career Acquisition (13.2), Career Retention and Advancement (13.3), and
Entrepreneurship (13.4). Throughout a student’s years at West Allegheny he/she will participate in multiple learning
experiences designed to meet one or more of the CEW Standards. The culmination of these experiences will result in a
comprehensive Career and Education Work Standards Portfolio for each student, finalized during the Career Seminar
course, typically during a student’s junior year.
By the end of 11
grade, students must:
Have a minimum of eight (8) pieces of evidence (at least two per grade level)
Address each career strand (13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4) at least once
Include at least two pieces of evidence that demonstrate implementation of the student’s individualized career
School sponsored activities designed as part of our comprehensive career education and work curriculum include:
Grade Level
Activity Description
Post-Secondary Institution Visit
Freshmen Transition Activity
Career Exploration Activities
Post-Secondary Institution Visit
Strengths Explorer Lesson
Student Services Lesson: Leadership Inventory
WA Career & College Fair
Choosing Wisely: Academic Planning and Career and College Pathways
Completed Curriculum Vitae as Culminating Project in Career Seminar & CEW Standards Portfolio
Evidence of successful completion of one of the Industry Based Learning Indicators as described below
These examples are provided as a guide and are subject to change and/or modification. Students who do not participate in
the aligned activities and/or complete the associated assignments will be required to complete additional or alternate
assignments to meet the corresponding standard strands.
II. Successful completion of Industry Based Learning Indicator by completing one (1) of the following
1. Demonstrated a high likelihood of success on the NOCTI assessment administered through Parkway West Career &
Technology Center as measured by the pre-NOCTI scores and/or successful completion of assigned program objectives
2. Earned an approved industry recognized credential aligned with his/her career path (e.g. MSSC Processes &
Production & Maintenance Awareness CertManufacturing 1)
3. Participated in a school approved career mentoring experience (e.g. ECIHSA-PTC Health Sciences Academy, CCBC
Aviation Academy, Future Educators of America, Child Development, JROTC)
4. Participated in a substantial service learning experience offered through the school and in partnership with an
approved outside agency (e.g. Stand Together, Peer to Peer Empowerment, SADD, Varsity iLead)
5. Completed a work-based learning experience through three (3) job shadow experiences